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There are so many beautiful things in your mosaic! I too hope I can create something as beautiful...fingers crossed.


Hello Eva and Ger. Thought I would pop on over to say hi after seeing your post on Fluffy Sheep Quilting. Well done on you business, I too have a small business in the UK born out of a hobby that I have always loved. I understand some of the frustrations and hard work of starting a new business and I wish you success. I too am taking part in Cindy's goodie swap - perhaps see you posting pictures on flickr. Take care Cxx


I too followed from Fluffy Sheep! Well done on your success! I'm also in the swap and a first timer - bit scary, but exciting! Maybe we can encourage each other without giving too much away!!


Wooow... less than 100 comments!!... I have to take advantage of this and write my comment on your site... ok... what should I write??... mmm, I don't think my criminal history would help me gain your sympathy, uh?? haha... in any case, I would like to say that I'm sure you're a breathtaking blogger and writer... so, thanks for that.. now I know I'm not a robot. well, this comment is getting too long to be read, so i'll stop now...

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